Do you want to improve your writing? Need some help?

Marilyn’s one-on-one coaching can help you write more effectively.
Marilyn uses your writing to help you learn techniques and strategies to make what you write clearer, more concise, and more coherent.
This is how Marilyn’s one-on-one coaching works:
First, Marilyn will talk with you about your typical writing, who your readers are, what your supervisors think about your writing, and any writing issues you would like to address.
You then send a writing sample to Marilyn. If possible, the writing sample should contain only your own work (without supervisor/partner editing). Please redact anything confidential (or change the names to your favorite sports or TV characters). Let Marilyn know if you’d like her to sign a confidentiality agreement.
Marilyn will edit your writing sample and email the Track Changes document back to you. You and Marilyn will then arrange a time for a telephone (or web conference) coaching session to discuss your edited writing sample and steps you can take to improve your writing.
This process can continue with additional writing samples. It’s useful to have some time between writing samples so that you can apply what you learn to new writing projects.
You will receive helpful resources: PDFs of Marilyn’s LawWriting handbook and Editing/Email Checklist. In addition, before the first coaching session you will receive a set of exercises that Marilyn may refer to during the call.
Please contact Marilyn for more information.
Your individual coaching sessions with some of our mid-level associates who needed assistance in “taking the next step” with regard to their writing skills have been invaluable. Our associates find you very approachable and easy to work with. Your materials are well organized and you are easily accessible.
Diane Costigan, Director of Legal Personnel & Professional Development
LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae, L.L.P.